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Handle With Care Parent's Program


This year we are excited to partner with Early Childhood Development Association of PEI to provide the Handle with Care program.  This program is a simple, interactive program to help parents and caregivers promote the mental health of young children from birth to 6 years.  This program believes social and emotional well-being is a precious resource for all children.  You can ready more about the program here.


All groups at the Island Pregnancy Centre are meant to provide love, support, and encouragement to mom and/or dads as they navigate the joys and trials of parenthood. These groups are a place for clients to build community and friendships while also receiving support and education in areas such as parenting, healthy relationships, life skills, and spiritual transformation.   Our Parent groups provide the opportunity for moms and dads to make meaningful connections with others and resources in our communities in a comfortable and pressure-free environment.​
Groups run for eight weeks for 2 hour discussion-based programming sessions in our Charlottetown and Summerside locations. Sessions run Sept-June.


Childcare and taxi service is provided.  Snacks for moms and children are also provided.




Coffee Drop-In & Play


This is an informal time for moms and babies/toddlers to get together, play, have a snack and enjoy each other's company.  It's a great opportunity to meet and chat with other moms.

Starts May 13th - runs every Monday from 9:30-11:30 am at our Summerside Centre.
For more information, text or email our Office Manager, Hannah  Joy, at / 902-370-3700

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